“My People will enjoy the dignity they deserve.”

—Rodney Dade, Co-founder

Treasurer 1935-1956

Frederick Douglass Memorial Park was conceived during the depression years of the early 30's and founded in response to the evil custom of segregation of the dead in cemeteries on a basis of race.

Rodney Dade, a leader in his community and a well-known and respected Harlem funeral director, had long dreamed of a burial park where "my People will enjoy the dignity they deserve".

He was tired of being directed to side gate entrances into cemeteries, and being diverted to the least desired sections of the cemetery. Here was a man with pride, seeking recognition and equality for his people even in death.

And so, in 1933 Rodney Dade reduced his dream to specifics. He went to other funeral directors, ministers and leaders in the community and they too saw the urgent need of such a cemetery, but financing was a problem.

He secured all the information he could about cemeteries and established a partnership with businessman Benjamin Diamond and Attorney Frederick Bunn and in 1933, they incorporated Frederick Douglass Memorial Park, Inc., a modern park-like burial ground, quiet and peaceful, conceived in beauty, with care and maintenance endowed for all eternity, a monument to progress in human relations.

When the land was first viewed, Rodney Dade, then and there, selected the name of our burial park and the spot where he wanted a monument to the memory of the "greatest man of my race, Frederick Douglass". The monument stands on that spot, at the top of a beautiful rolling hill just inside the entrance gates.

Benjamin Diamond
President 1942-1957

BENJAMIN DIAMOND, an administrator and sales executive who had achieved city-wide fame as a business consultant, had been Mr. Dade's friend for many years. So it was natural that Mr. Diamond would make himself available.

Mr. Diamond, a living symbol of resourcefulness, energy and perseverance, had been among the founders of Harlem's first daily newspaper, The Daily Citizen, and had long been associated with interracial efforts to improve the community's civic and business atmosphere.

Soon the team of Dade and Diamond was on the move and the financing of the project was accomplished through the formation of a stock corporation known as Fre-Dou Corporation.

Benjamin Diamond recruited the third important partner, Frederick A. Bunn, a cemetarian. Mr. Bunn was a lawyer with thirty-seven years of experience in the cemetery field. He had developed the beautiful Ocean View Cemetery in Staten Island.

Land was strictly limited in New York City for cemetery purposes, but fortunately, acreage was found and secured in Staten Island.

Frederick A. Bunn
President 1935-1942

THE CEMETERY itself was incorporated as a non-profit membership corporation under the laws of the State of New York. Those were difficult days, but the Dade-Diamond-Bunn team's drive, knowledge, devotion and ideals made Frederick Douglass Memorial Park, Inc., a unique experience in human relations.

On June 10, 1935, the burial park opened its gates for interments. Funeral directors Claudius P. Sterrett and A. J. Hylton were the first to use the park's facilities that day. Hundreds of persons showed up to inspect the beautifully landscaped area with its underground drainage and wide macadam roads.

A Perpetual Care Fund was established in the very beginning long before the State law required it of all cemeteries.

When Dade, Diamond and Bunn passed on, after full and well spent lives, Frederick Douglass Memorial Park, Inc. was most fortunate in having associates who were well-trained for the tasks ahead to carry on in the splendid tradition established by them.


    Vice-President — Treasurer

    Mr. Stott actively engaged in the supervision of the burial park and held offices in the corporation since its inception. He had wide experience in the field of monuments having served Staten Island for many years.



    Dr. Isaacs, C. P. A., Ph. D. was connected with cemeteries since 1927 and earned for himself an enviable reputation. He associated with several well-known cemeteries. Our cemetery benefited greatly from his association with us since it started.



    Attorney Lieberman has represented our cemetery for many years and has successfully guided and counselled the officers. His thirty years of legal experience and his deep interest has been a tremendous help in our advancement.

"When you do common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." — George Washington Carver (1864–1943)

Commitment signing at Carver Bank, circa 1950.  In attendance: Rodney Dade, Benjamin Diamond, and Exec VP Davis of Carver Bank. 
Founders Bunn, Dade and Diamond at Carver Bank, circa 1950.